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This album was the Lo Cats first. The focus was on covers of songs by artist we admired, and we had been influenced by. The title came from a lyric from the Hank Williams song I'm so Lonesome I Could Cry. Bill McIntosh's guitar adds a different feel to familiar songs. Bob Manzel holds down a steady bottom and Tim Swisher keeps the pocket tight.

The LoCats would like to thank out families and friends (Steve Ozaydin, The Great Oz) for all the patience and support they've shown during the creation of this musical labor of love.

A great big special thank you goes to Tom Ware at Warehouse Productions.

Tom has earned the tacit title of "Fourth Cat" in honor of all his valued input as studio wizard extraordinaire...a mixing mastering, editing, and all around Jedi-level sonic guru!

The inspiration driving the LoCats approach to performing and recording a CD of covers is simple:musical artists of all kinds have profoundly touched our lives.

Thus we want to pay homage to them through love and respect by giving back to the world our interpretive tributs while honoring the essence of their source material.

We feel confident we have done just that.


               Bill McIntosh-guitar

               Bob Manzel, bass and vocals

               Tim Swisher, drums, vocals, recording